Welcome to Esoterika Lodge, No. 316

Seattle’s Premier Esoteric Masonic Lodge.

The Masonic Fraternity is the oldest Fraternity in the world.  Freemasonry is a society of men whose goal is to improve themselves and the world around them by engaging in the practice and application of a system of moral and philosophical lessons that we call Speculative Freemasonry.

The history, origins, and practice of Freemasonry are very ancient, and the lessons that we learn as Masons are known as the Degrees of Masonry.

Esoterika Lodge is an esoteric (blue) lodge, or a lodge focusing on the examination and contemplation of the deeper philosophies, traditions, practices, and ritual, that has become the Degrees of Freemasonry today.

Esoterika Lodge is committed to actually living the principles of classical Freemasonry. To achieve this we commit to investigating the principles themselves, their origins, how history has affected the transmission of these principles, and what we must do each day to live them here, and now. We value knowledge, intention, action silence and circumspection.

We are an observant Lodge. We study the esoteric foundations of the craft. We learn and perform exemplary ritual, and investigate exactly what the ritual was designed to teach. We do not accept dogma but rather accept knowledge arrived at through experience. We define brotherhood as a personal active commitment to each other and expect our members live this each day. We value and embrace open search for truth. We reject tyranny, political correctness, or social injustice. We practice charity directly and personally. We do not bend to the vicissitudes of life. We do not shirk from duty or the imperatives of honor.

Esoterika Lodge accepts men who wish to walk with us in the active pursuit of this code.

We have now embarked upon our second decade as a lodge committed to providing "The Best Masonic Experience Possible." We welcome your inquiries concerning the Society of Freemasonry.  To learn more, please feel free to contact us.



Be the leaven in the dough that causes the bread to rise, to be the salt in the soup that gives it flavor and to the the light in the darkness what will not be extinguished.