The Best Masonic Experience Possible

The Best Masonic Experience Possible.

The heart of Esoterika Lodge is founded upon the principle of creating "The Best Masonic Experience Possible," perpetuating our practices and teachings so that every member and candidate receives a deep, meaningful degree experience and learning habitat. We thoroughly examine each aspect of the degree and Lodge setting.

Through continuous improvement we provide the best environment for our existing and new Brothers.

Our Brother Robert George correctly described:

"Esoterika members are committed to actually living the principles of classical Freemasonry. To achieve this we commit to investigating the principles themselves, their origins, how history has affected the transmission of these principles, and what we must do each day to live them here, and now. We value knowledge, intention, action silence and circumspection.

We study the esoteric foundations of the craft. We learn and perform exemplary ritual, and investigate exactly what the ritual was designed to teach. We do not accept dogma but rather accept knowledge arrived at through experience. We define brotherhood as a personal active commitment to each other and expect our members to live this each day. We value and embrace open search for truth. We reject tyranny, political correctness, or social injustice. We practice charity directly and personally. We do not bend to the vicissitudes of life. We do not shirk from duty or the imperatives of honor.

Esoterika Lodge accepts men who wish to walk with us in the active pursuit of this code."

If you find these qualities of interest, possess an internal passion, unwavering dedication, a desire for knowledge and sincere wish to be part of spiritually fulfilling, dynamanic team, if you want to contribute to make our Lodge "The Best Masonic Experience Possible", the following three steps are the beginning of your Masonic path to success.


Your needs come first. If you are compatible for Freemasonry, but believe we are not the Lodge you are looking for, we will help you find another where you may achieve your objectives. 


Go to: Step One