Step Two

Step 2 - Investigation

Upon submission of your Petition, the Lodge has offical duties that all lodges go through. We are required to read your petiton at the meeting. This is put in the minutes of the lodge and notifies all members that at the next stated meeting we may ballot upon your petition.

We will assign three Brothers to conduct a Masonic invesgtigation. They will contact you and set up a time to meet with you at your home and further discuss your interest in Freemasonry and Esoterika. We would like to also meet with your wife or significant other. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any further questions you may have regarding Freemasonry, Esoterika or the process of initiation. 

The investigation is subject to Masonic Law, and a requirement before we may vote on your membership into the Lodge.



The Ballot

After your investigation, the Brothers will report their findings to the lodge and, and a secret ballot on your Petition will be taken.  The secret ballot is a Masonic custom and it must have unanimous approval of all voting members present at the stated meeting. 

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